Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Monday, July 25, 2016

Who Do You TRUST?

It is very rare for us to come across someone who has not been abused by someone in authority during his/her childhood years.  No matter the type of abuse (physical, verbal, sexual, emotional, spiritual, etc.) nor how long it occurred (one time, weeks, months, years, or is still continuing today), abuse lingers in the body, mind, and soul of the abused.  This event changes how one sees authority-figures, father-figures, and mother-figures.  Even though Satan uses these abuses to try to separate us from God, it is through understanding and analysis of our lives and emotions that we can overcome this abusive road-block and learn to fully rely on God.

Would you be open to analyzing your life and then asking God to help you TRUST Him?

There are so many people who hear of Jesus Christ, read the Bible, attend church, and yet never 'feel' truly saved, and often-times they then turn from the Church and religion all together. 

Why is this?

For some, it stems from childhood, parenting, and perception.

God is our HEAVENLY FATHER. We learn about Him and the Trinity, but for those who have experienced abuse, there is a fear to fully trust Christianity as the TRUTH because they could not fully TRUST those to love, protect, and accept them, during childhood, the most developmental years of one’s life, due to corrupt or abusive family, relatives, or outsiders. 

"When a small group of Christians at his (Josh McDowell's) college in Michigan initially tried to talk to him about God as a loving heavenly father, it did not register with him because his earthly father was an alcoholic and also abusive" (Brandon Showalter).

This perception that God (as a Heavenly Father) is like ‘man’ (in whatever form we were hurt by) holds so many Christians back from the peace of truly letting go of worries, burdens, and hurts, and letting God take care of them. Those who have been abused (in any form) unconsciously do not trust others to take care of them—which means they do not really TRUST God to take care of them. So they hold onto the role of taking care of themselves—which stops them from fully submitting to God—which in turn keeps the person holding on to earthly things instead of turning toward heavenly things.

If you have heard of Jesus, gone to church, wanted to 'feel' that loving embrace of our Heavenly Father, and yet have turned away...ask yourself if you had an untrustworthy influence in your childhood. 

Was there someone who abused you, controlled you, frightened you, manipulated you, made you feel unsafe?? 

If so, is this how you may have seen/felt about God? 

Becoming aware of this hindrance can start you on the road toward God and learning to fully TRUST Him to NOT be like your abuser.

Works Cited
Showalter, Brandon. "Christian Apologist Josh McDowell: I Was Raped From Age 6 and
I Wanted to Die." Christian Post. The Christian Post, 18 July 2016. Web. 25 July
2016. <

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