Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Dilemma of the Unvaccinated - Mob Mentality REFLECTION and REBUTTAL


Dr. Malone wrote the article below...a personal perspective about the changing tide in reflection and views on those with 'the shot' and those without.  It is very insightful and important to open this conversation; however, there are two points that I have to disagree with him on

  1. if 'they' were simply tricked or led astray, and 
  2. as to how we should respond to the assault.

To begin, it seems fallacious to even call people vaccinated and unvaccinated.  After all, the 'shot' for the last two years is not a real vaccination.  A vaccination adheres to specific criteria and guidelines.  It has a specific organizational pattern, and it contains a small live or dead dose of the culprit illness. The Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Maderna injections did not fit the definition of a vaccine--hench the redefining of the term 'vaccine' across the WWW and in medical circles.  It would have been safer for the ill to take Ivermectin instead of the COVID injection.

To address the points in Malone's article with clarity, though, I will adhere to the vaccinated and unvaccinated talking points.

Dr. Malone has done an excellent job trying to remain balanced and kind in his assessment of the situation; however, we have to keep in mind that evil should have a spotlight placed upon it.  We cannot let evil remain in darkness and grow.  Therefore, when Malone wrote: "Some “pro-vaxers” may have been legitimately uninformed [sp] or scared to blindly follow health guidelines and government mandates without question" (paragraph 2) he seems to overlook society's primary way to curb evil in our world: through punishment. After World War II, those responsible for war crimes against humanity in concentration camps, scientific facilities, and prisoner camps were taken to court and brought for punishment.  There cannot be an excuse of "well, they were scared," or "they did not know that it was wrong".  There are some things that you know.  You know when you are being manipulated, and you know when you are forcing others to do something not conducive to a positive life.  If I did not want to get vaccinated, that was my choice.  If you did want a vaccination, that was yours.  The forcing of contents into my body or threatening the loss of my employment was not acceptable.  Personal rights in medical treatment and prevention cannot go out the window just because a mob or bully asserts a vaccination to be necessary.

Furthermore, if people believe in the efficacy of the 'vaccination' then this means that they believe they are SAFE once they get it.  If this supposition is true, then they should not worry about engaging with me--an unvaccinated person--since they should be shielded from anything I might carry.  If the 'vaccination' worked, the only people taking a risk would be those not injected.  However, the social manipulation and pressure to get the injection caused so many people to crumble.  Then, there were those who did not know which way to go, but due to threats of loss of employment, they opted to allow the injections into their systems.  This illogical belief in the injection--that was not fully vetted before administration into humans--and the demonization of those who questioned the injection was enough to make a rational person question the motives behind the discourse.

Click here for more insights HERE, or continue reading below to see Dr. Malone's article. 

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Some “pro-vaxers” may have been legitimately uninformed or scared to blindly follow health guidelines and government mandates without question. But the mob mentality to demonize the unvaccinated and gaslight society into thinking we were the problem crossed a potentially unforgivable line.
                                                                                               -- Dr. Malone


The Dilemma of the Unvaccinated

We Won't Forget. They celebrated our deaths and danced on our graves

Guest essay by the California-based Unity Project

With recent calls for “Pandemic Amnesty” from the groups who destroyed lives and businesses, closed schools, stripped away your freedoms and turned family, friends and neighbors against each other, the unvaccinated and truth tellers find themselves in a pickle.

Morality and civility could argue that we should forgive those who vilified us for choosing medical sovereignty, non-compliance with unconstitutional mandates, and simply questioning the narrative, but it’s not that simple. Some “pro-vaxers” may have been legitimately uniformed or scared to blindly follow health guidelines and government mandates without question. But the mob mentality to demonize the unvaccinated and gaslight society into thinking we were the problem crossed a potentially unforgivable line.

Making the rounds online is an LA Times article from earlier this year titled Mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths is ghoulish, yes — but may be necessary. The article URL is even titled “why-shouldnt-we-dance-on-the-graves-of-anti-vaxxers.”

The reporter contends:

“Those who have deliberately flouted sober medical advice by refusing a vaccine known to reduce the risk of serious disease from the virus, including the risk to others, and end up in the hospital or the grave can be viewed as receiving their just desserts.

“That’s even more true of those who not only refused the vaccine for themselves, but publicly advocated that others do so.

“It has become common online and in social media for vaccine refusers and anti-vaccine advocates to become the target of ridicule after they come down with COVID-19 and especially if they die from it.”

He even promotes the disgusting and hateful website that posts details and photos of deceased “anti-vaxxer activists, who helped spread COVID-19 misinformation on social media” and encourages visitors to “stop others from making the same mistake. GET VACCINATED!”

He also praises a fellow reporter for delighting in the fact that “mocking anti-vaxxers when they get sick has become a bit of a sport.”

There are endless examples of hatred and contemptible acts towards the unvaccinated over the past two years, but to relish in their death is abhorrent. The data and information are now clear that the vaccines did not work as promised and the propaganda machine was lying. Even the CDC admits there is no difference in guidance for vaccinated and unvaccinated.

So, what are the unvaccinated to do?

DON’T be spiteful, DON’T forget and DON’T stop asking questions!

One of the first questions we need to ask, and a concession to be made from the “Pandemic Amnesty” camp, needs to be around whether or not the young and healthy people suddenly dying, have been vaccinated. This should not be taboo, and it should be for the greater scientific community to debate and learn from.

We know now all-cause mortality rates are up, health agencies are now normalizing SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) and Myocarditis, while blaming deaths of healthy young adults on the side effects of COVID.

To call a truce and work together for answers, the COVID-19 vaccine must be a factor. It’s not gruesome to ask if someone was vaccinated when they died suddenly and for unknown causes. The answer will get us all closer to the truth, potentially save lives, and know where the line is when the next fear-driven propaganda event tries to divide and destroy us.

So, to the hateful mob waving a white flag, please remember…

We WON’T celebrate your deaths, we WON’T wish harm on you, but we WON’T forget that you did.

Epoch Times Photo

Reposted from the author’s Substack

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. Epoch Health welcomes professional discussion and friendly debate. To submit an opinion piece, please follow these guidelines and submit through our form here.

Robert W Malone MD, MS. Inventor of mRNA & DNA vaccines, RNA as a drug. Scientist, physician, writer, podcaster, commentator and advocate. Believer in our fundamental freedom of free speech. Entire biography can be found at

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