I don't know about you, but I am so saddened by the corruption in American government. Political positions were seen as something someone would do to help their country. They were seen as something that conscientious civilians would do to aid in the function of the young, seedling government...for a limited amount of time. Then, they would go back to whatever their original lives and careers held for them. That was the intention.
Politicians and political positions have become a joke in America. People actually go into politics for a LIFETIME now!! That is not what our founding fathers wanted--nor found prudent for a government that was supposed to be 'for the people and by the people'. When politicians stay in too long, the government seems to become a government for 'this guy' and by 'this guy'. (Sort of like how Congress has become Pelociland.) The founding fathers--and early Americans--had seen enough corruption in their previous governments to know that if anyone 'wanted' to be in politics, they were power hungry. If anyone was in too long, they became corrupt. That is why there were time limits on political positions (serve 2-years or 4-years). However, since Young America needed people to fill the political roles, they did not always make it so that you could not run again and again for a position. Yet, the lack of term limits was because they saw it as if it was a temporary position. A civic duty. They thought people would do their time and move on. And if politicians stayed too long, that would grant them knowledge to be better leaders. Right? Yes and no. The founding fathers thought that if the politicians gained too much footing and power, the people could simply not reelect them the next time.
As Father of the Constitution James Madison explained in Federalist Papers No. 53:
"[A] few of the members of Congress will possess superior talents; will by frequent re-elections, become members of long standing; will be thoroughly masters of the public business, and perhaps not unwilling to avail themselves of those advantages. The greater the proportion of new members of Congress, and the less the information of the bulk of the members, the more apt they be to fall into the snares that may be laid before them," wrote Madison.
Delegates who sided with Madison in opposing term limits argued that regular elections by the people could be a better check on corruption than constitutional term limits and that such restrictions would create their problems. Ultimately, the anti-term limits forces won out and the Constitution was ratified without them. (Source)
That makes sense...unless voting becomes corrupted and no longer represents the true will of the people. So originally, it was expected for politicians to be morally upright, to stay in a while, make some good changes to government and move on, passing the torch on to the next civicminded American. But they do not...in America and in other countries! Power breeds power. Power breeds greed. Power--when left unchecked--breeds the opposite of a republic! This is one of the reasons why the 22nd amendment was finally enacted.
The Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution was an addition to the United States Constitution that put a limit on how many times a person could be elected to be President. (Source)
Even before there were official term limits for the presidency, it was common practice for Presidents to step down after eight years, dating back to George Washington's decision to retire after his two terms. It wasn't until the 1940s, after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to a third and fourth term in office, that the idea of amending the Constitution to include a term limit gathered enough steam to be passed. On March 21, 1947, Congress passed the Twenty-Second Amendment - limiting presidents to two terms in office. (Source)
There should probably be even more election limitations to not end up with corruption at the levels we are seeing today. It was only 80 years ago that Congress limited the Presidency. (Funny how they did not limit themselves, right!) However, that was a lifetime ago. The public--and Congress--had a different mentality even then. Now, with so many lifetime politicians embedded in the system, could congressional limits even be passed?
Below is an article that was posted to the Epoch Times about the logical analysis and breakdown of lies and misinformation surrounding the COVID injection and the reporting of the illness and deaths surrounding it. Why do I think this links to our American political system and corruption? It is obvious! America is not the only country that had career politicians (and an elite force of moblike superpowers who test out powerplays to see just what they can get away with) in power when the lockdowns, injection mandates, and non-essential shutdowns occurred. Afterall, if some of these people had their way, they would love to completely take over and overhaul countries.
We used to see on kids cartoons jokes about bad guys trying to take over the world. My favorite show as a kid was in the Animaniac's series the shorts about Pinky and The Brain. The running joke was about Pinky and The Brian saying,
"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?"
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky; try to take over the world!!!"
However, in Pinky and The Brain, they were always foiled! They always had some happenstance that stopped their dreams of world domination from coming to fruition. Anyone with half-a-brain should be able to see that those plans (for world domination) seem to still be going on behind the scenes in America and other countries. For a while, they seem to be taking over the world, altering peoples' views, lives, and freedoms, but then the tide turns, and the plan is exposed...right? It is exposed! Yea! And everyone wisens up! And everyone speaks the truth! And everyone punishes those who are trying to take away freedoms and lives? Nope. Even though there are people trying to use logic and expose the evil, the trusted media outlets are not selling it. They want to sell the misinformation. Afterall, they are financially supported by those like Pinky and the Brain. If more people would read, learn, and think for themselves, we might be able to just return some sanity to the world.
Take a look at the article from Epoch Times about the Australian parliament leader pointing to clear statistics that prove the COVID shot does not work. Yes. COVID is a real illness. People do die from COVID when they already have weakened systems or struggle with preexisting conditions--just like with the FLU! Therefore, I'm not saying COVID is not real. I am saying that this belief in the COVID shot is unfounded. The shot was a scam. It not only did not protect people from contracting COVID, but it actually added to the death toll due to side effects. Maybe one day--50 years from now--people will have learned the truth. In the meantime, I urge you to stop taking the shot and boosters.
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