Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”



This page contains basic information about progress, curriculum, and activities in our homeschooling.

Dual Enrollment

Formatting Work


Education Articles / Life-Long Learners
  • How School Crushes the Child's Natural Love of Learning
  • 9 Ways to be a Life-long Learner
  • Easier Spelling?? -- By Thought Co.
  • Learning to Get Answers to Your QuestionsNothing is as complicated as we think if we have answers to what is, why is, how to, where is, which is, when is, etc. In here, Pediaa comes in handy to your assistance. Pediaa is a world of knowledge and information on every area; it has answers to all your queries, may it be what is, how to, which is, or where does. With Pediaa to assist, learning is made easy, nothing is hard to learn. Pediaa makes learning simple by explaining everything, from A to Z, step by step, in a simple, easy to understand way. It does not leave behind the life problems unattended too. It has answers to questions we ask or face in our day to day life and has tips to make life easy. In simple, Pediaa is a learning powerhouse.

Homeschool Record Keeping

Homeschool Articles

Homeschool Ideas, Insights, and Reasoning

Field Trips

  • Medieval Torture Museum
  • Crayola Experience
  • Old Town Trolly
  • Ripley's RED TRAIN
  • The Black Raven--Pirate Ship Adventure
  • The Holyland Experience
  • Daytona Ice Skating

Special Purchases to Supplement Education
  • Education for Life

Websites to Advance Education
  • Language Arts
    • The Virtual Middle School Library is a site that I recently came across while trying to find help for one of my Freshman Composition students online.  While the site is label as a Middle School virtual library, I believe that all education is ripe for students at their maturity- or education-level and down.  What does this mean?  Click here to keep reading...
    • Study Guides and Strategies: this site has wonderful links for studying, writing, critical thinking, as well as teaching concepts to students.  I highly suggest you take a look.
    • Ms. Cuda's Website: This site is run by a Language Arts instructor who has been doing what I just recently started--placing reoccurring information sheets, helpers, and assignment guidelines into a website for students to use in addition to the semester-ly (yes, I just made up that word) course materials.  Take a look at her site.  She is very organized, and her philosophy on writing is on track with my own.  I have been linking my classroom websites to hers for now, until I can develop enough online content of my own.
    • Mr. Murray's Classrooms is a site that links you to three or four of Mr. Murray's classrooms.  The reason this site is unique is ...
  • Bible
    • Bible Hub is a great resource for locating different versions of biblical verses.  It also has a study guide and commentary on the site if you want to dig deeper into the verse you are researching.

Science Projects

Art Projects

  • ArtHub
  • YouTube Disney Draw


Quotes to Live by...
Savor It

Service Projects as a Family or in a Group

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