Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Health Fitness Expert Who Said Use Him as Vaxx Role Model is Now Dead

Vaccinated Doug Brignole: “If I Die, You Were Right” — Now Dead 💉

I am very sad for the people who took the injection for the COVID illness and have experienced death or adverse reactions to it.  While some people went to the extremes to make this a US or THEM type of situation, it should never have become that.  It should have is an option for those of you wishing to take it.  However, if you do not feel the injection is researched enough (not vetted for 10 years) or that you want to try other means of avoidance for contracting the illness (mask wearing or additional hand washing and social distancing) or lessing its impact on your system (heathy eating and vitamins B, C, and D), then that should have been accepted.  However, those who did not join in the goose-stepping were ostracized and discriminated against. 

When it comes to personal health choices that ONLY affect you, I believe every person has a right to make the best decision for himself.  For example, when someone wants to get an abortion, this 'medical proceedure' choice affects the baby and the male who impregnated the woman.  Therefore, that is not what I am talking about.  That situation is one where you cannot simply make a choice for an abortion since it will affect others' lives and/or rights.  However, when it comes to the COVID shot, I feel that that was a personal decision that each person should have made for themselves.  

This said, Doug Brignole made a big public statement about getting the shot (see the link below), and he sadly set himself up as a poster-boy against the COVID injection--with his death.  While I believe the COVID injection is harmful to the human body in both the short and long term, I do not want anyone to have to pay with their lives--especially since the governement perpetuated fear and paranoia in the public about the illness that was equivillant to a flu.  Those who are affected by flus should have been on alter, but beyond that, this was extreme lockdown for little results.  Shame on the governments of the world and the pharmacudical companies that created such unease and confusion just for a social experiment in how far they could push the envelope.  I pray that my beliefs about the shot will not play out as suspected in the next 5-10 years.  I pray that the accelerated deaths due to the injections will come to an end.  However, this does not seem scientifically possible at this point.  Only through an intervention from God will the mydocarditis, brain swelling, protein strings, excessive blood clots, as well as reproductive issues be removed.  

Go to this page to read the full report about Doug.  You can also see the youtube overview through the video below. The guy in the video below is not professional, but he does cover the ideas surrounding the topic.

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