Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Monday, January 9, 2023

118th Speaker Hold-up...the first list of items...

According to U.S. Rep. Andrew Ogles (R-Tenn) through the Epoch Times, this is what the 15-vote hold-out issue was for with the 118th Congress' Speaker election:

For Ogles, the basis of all the negotiations was to establish the rules of the game in Congress that had been altered over the years beyond recognition. As he pointed out, the rules of a game almost always determine the winner.

He shared with me a list of some of what has been roughly negotiated to date. The devil, as always, is in the details.

  1. As has been reported, it will only take a single congressperson, acting in what is known as a Jeffersonian Motion, to move to remove the speaker if he or she goes back on their word or policy agenda.
  2. A “Church”-style committee will be convened to look into the weaponization of the FBI and other government organizations (presumably the CIA, the subject of the original Church Committee) against the American people.
  3. Term limits will be put up for a vote.
  4. Bills presented to Congress will be single subject, not omnibus with all the attendant earmarks, and there will be a 72-hour minimum period to read them.
  5. The Texas Border Plan will be put before Congress. From The Hill: “The four-pronged plan aims to ‘Complete Physical Border Infrastructure,’ ‘Fix Border Enforcement Policies,’ ‘Enforce our Laws in the Interior’ and ‘Target Cartels & Criminal Organizations.’”
  6. COVID mandates will be ended, as will all funding for them, including so-called emergency funding.
  7. Budget bills would stop the endless increases in the debt ceiling and hold the Senate accountable for the same.

We'll see later today if these rules are actualy implemented into the proceedures or not.  If ont, the House can bring activity to a halt until the agreed upon changes are put into place.  Let's see history in the making folks.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Recommended Option: Push Health??

I have not used this service, but it was just recommended to me as a possible online medical option.  Take a look for yourself.  Maybe it will benefit some of you:

Doctors Prohibited from Ivermectin Use with COVID

Here is a follow up to my previous discussion about Ivermectin and doctors being discouraged (threatened) from using it to treat COVID symptoms. This is sadly one more mark to show that things were going highly wrong with the COVID 'pandemic'.

This copy of the original article can be found on Epoch Times HERE.  I do not own this article.  Please subscribe to Epoch Times for full details.

Article by Katie Spence

Health Care Workers Cry Foul on FDA Claiming It Didn’t Prohibit Ivermectin for COVID-19

By Katie Spence
January 3, 2023 Updated: January 4, 2023

Friday, December 30, 2022

Term Limits for Congress?

I don't know about you, but I am so saddened by the corruption in American government.  Political positions were seen as something someone would do to help their country.  They were seen as something that conscientious civilians would do to aid in the function of the young, seedling government...for a limited amount of time.  Then, they would go back to whatever their original lives and careers held for them.  That was the intention.

Click the Read More link below.

The JAB Doesn't Work! Australian Parliament Member Rant

I do not own this article.  To help educate yourself on the worldly news in a balanced way, join the Epoch Times. For balanced reporting, be sure to purchase your own membership of the Epoch Times!

Tallying COVID Deaths

Australian Statistics and Observations

Below is an article that was posted to the Epoch Times about the logical analysis and breakdown of lies and misinformation surrounding the COVID injection and the reporting of the illness and deaths surrounding it.  

We used to see on kids cartoons jokes about bad guys trying to take over the world.  My favorite show as a kid was in the Animaniac's series the shorts about Pinky and The Brain.  The running joke was about Pinky and The Brian saying, 

"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?" 

"The same thing we do every night, Pinky; try to take over the world!!!" 

However, in Pinky and The Brain, they were always foiled!  They always had some happenstance that stopped their dreams of world domination from coming to fruition. Anyone with half-a-brain should be able to see that hose plans (for world domination) seem to still be going on behind the scenes in America and other countries.  For a while, they seem to be taking over the world, altering peoples' views, lives, and freedoms, but then the tide turns, and the plan is exposed...right?  It is exposed! Yea!  And everyone wisens up!  And everyone speaks the truth!  And everyone punishes those who are trying to take away freedoms and lives?  Nope.  Even though there are people trying to use logic and expose the evil, the trusted media outlets are not selling it.  They want to sell the misinformation.  Afterall, they are financially supported by those like Pinky and the Brain.  If more people would read, learn, and think for themselves, we might be able to just return some sanity to the world.  

Take a look below at the article from Epoch Times about the Australian parliament leader pointing to clear statistics that prove the COVID shot does not work to save lives.  COVID is a real illness.  People do die from COVID when they already have weakened systems or struggle with preexisting conditions--just like with the FLU!  Therefore, I'm not saying COVID is not real.  I am saying that this belief in the COVID shot is unfounded.  It was a scam.  It not only did not protect people from contracting the illness, but it actually added to the death toll.  It would have been safer for ill to take Ivermectin instead of the COVID injection.

First, Covid vaccines do not stop the transmission of the virus, rather only serve to mitigate its severity in vaccinated individuals (Source 10 below). In fact, the opening of society based upon higher levels of vaccination, only served to speed the transmission of the Delta variant, not slow it. Second, the Delta variant still infected those with natural prior immunity from previous Covid B.1 and B.1.1.7 infection. (Source)

On top of this lack of a real vaccination or safety precaution is the question of possible aftereffects from the mRNA injection. Maybe one day--50 years from now--people will have learned.  In the meantime, I urge you to stop taking the shot and boosters.  

Thursday, December 29, 2022

N-95 Masks - FACT CHECK

Yep!  I'm in a family that still wears masks when in large, over-populated areas indoors.  People look at us and judge us with a squint of their eyes, a shake of their heads, or a deep frown.  

What do you care if I wear a mask?  Does it alter your state of being?  Or does it actually frighten you?  Does it make you question your own choices?  

As I have written previously, I come from a military family.  My family was assigned to and/or visited over 10 military bases in my life.  In these times, I have always respected the Asians that I saw on military bases over the years, walking around, working, and shopping with their masks on during flu season or when they were feeling under the weather.  However, growing up, on those military bases, I was just a kid, and I did not know where to get the masks.  You see, my family did not do the mask thing growing up.  I found it intriguing and insightful, though.

With COVID, I now have a surplus of masks and insertable filters.  I see no reason to stop wearing them in tight places, especially during flu season.  There have been people who have come up to me and aggressively let me know their opinion that masks don't work.  I simply respond..."tell that to hundreds of thousands of doctors across the world who have been wearing them for hundreds of years".  To learn more about who is right about mask-wearing, see the three links below.  You can also read the FACT CHECK article posted below.

  1. USA Today HERE 2020
  2. PolitiCheck HERE 2020
  3. News Network (Mayo Clinic) HERE 2020

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