Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Facebook Live Prayer Event

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Facebook Live Prayer Event

Our nation is in serious trouble—we are in desperate need of Divine intervention. We need healing. Prayer is what can make a difference in America.

One week from today—Monday, July 18, at noon Eastern—I’m asking you to pray with me live on Facebook just before the Republican National Convention opens. We will pray for the condition of this country and for America’s future. God’s Word tells us that if we humble ourselves, confess our sins, and turn from our wicked ways, God will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). He is the only one who can.

Be a part of this—come to my Facebook page at noon. Wherever you are that day, I hope you will set your reminder to join us via your phone or your laptop. The Bible says that the prayers of one righteous person avails much—so if there are thousands of us calling out to God on behalf of our nation, can you imagine what He might do?

Then the following Monday before the opening of the Democratic National Convention, we will pray together again. Ask your friends to join us as well—we need the whole nation praying.

Franklin Graham, President
Samaritan's Purse

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