Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Friday, November 16, 2018

Lumpy, Drippy Pumpkin-Gourd in Progress

The Drippy-Gourd Experiment

For fun, and to get rid of some recyclables around the house this year, we began making MANY trash-bag /baby-wipe artificial pumpkins.  

Drippy-Gourd -- WET
© 2018 Jeanette L. H. Dick
For Educational Purposes Only
Drippy Gourd 5

We simply took a handful of store bags and began making a ball of plastic: stacking one on top of the next, stuffing them into another bag, and twisting and wrapping the bags until we had a ball the size we wanted to make into a pumpkin. 

We made a total of 11 pumpkin balls this year!  Some are still in progress as we plan to give them to friends and neighbors as a symbol of our 'thankfulness' for them in our lives.  Here is one that I already completed an gave to a friend.
Monogrammed Fabric-mache Pumpkin
© 2018 Jeanette L. H. Dick
For Educational Purposes Only
Fabric-Mache Crafts 1

Here is a tiny pumpkin that I wanted to play (experiment) with by using drippy colors.  Before I got to this point, I used a glue/flour/water paste to adhere strips of rinsed baby-wipes to as a sort of paper-mache--but without the paper.  

Drying Drippy-Gourd
© 2018 Jeanette L. H. Dick
For Educational Purposes Only
Drippy Gourd 4

[I figured out that the baby-wipes repelled some of the glue mixture if I did not rinse out the chemicals first.  I will upload those early stages pictures later when I get a moment.]

Anyway, once I adhered the baby-wipe strips to the plastic ball, I let it dry for 2 days.  Then, I came back and played with peach, red, yellow, and white acrylic paint to create a spotted, drippy effect.  

Side of Drippy-Gourd
© 2018 Jeanette L. H. Dick
For Educational Purposes Only
Drippy Gourd 3

It was VERY goopy and lumpy, but I was happy with that as it made it look more gourd-like.  

I am not sure if I will be transferring a quote onto it or if I will simply put an initial on it.  It is so small, though, that I am trying to think this one through before beginning.  

Also, with the lumpy texture, it might be harder to paint a monogram onto it.  Maybe I will leave it this way?  

Drippy-pumpkin-gourd drying on the upturned glass.
© 2018 Jeanette L. H. Dick
For Educational Purposes Only
Drippy Gourd 1

I will come back to this post after Thanksgiving to let you know what I ended up doing with this little drippy gourd.

Top of Drippy-gourd
© 2018 Jeanette L. H. Dick
For Educational Purposes Only
Drippy Gourd 2

© 2018 Jeanette L. H. Dick
For Educational Purposes Only

The Drippy-Gourd Experiment

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