Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Friday, September 16, 2016

FREE Bible Study Resources

FREE Online Bible Study Courses

Online Bible Study Courses

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Course #1: The Gospel of Mark
Studies in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, the Founder of the Christian religion. Ten lessons about His miracles, parables, death, burial, and resurrection.
Course #2: Jesus Is Lord
Why we believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible: evidences for the Christian faith. The lordship of Jesus, the meaning of discipleship, salvation, forgiveness of sins, obedience, baptism, and Divine authority vs. man-made traditions. Learn about the church Christ established, worship of God, and the origin of denominations. Eight lessons with quizzes.
Course #3: The Book of Acts - Course AStudies in the history of the early church and the beginning of Christianity as revealed in the Acts of the Apostles. Discusses the kingdom of Christ, church organization and worship, examples of conversion, the nature and purpose of miracles, the Christian faith, and the work of the Holy Spirit. Seven lessons with quizzes.
Course #4: The Book of Acts - Course B
(A continuation of Course A. Seven lessons.)
Course #5: Following Jesus - Course A
Studies about how to grow as a disciple of Christ: spiritual maturity, discipleship, and Christian growth. How to change yourself, how to study the Bible, prayer, attending church worship meetings, and giving. Eight lessons with quizzes.
Course #6: Following Jesus - Course BFurther studies about Christianity and living as a Christian: human relationships (family, business, government, and race relations); morality, ethics, and moral purity; responsibilities of Christians in a local church; church organization (independence vs. centralization) and church work (Social Gospel vs. spiritual gospel). Eight lessons with quizzes.
Course #7: Conversion from Sin
Studies about forgiveness and salvation from sin. Learn about the nature of sin, God's grace, Jesus' sacrifice, faith, repentance, confession, baptism, faithfulness, and the church. What about infant baptism, sprinkling and pouring? How does one become a Christian? What attitudes and commitment are required? 
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Thursday, September 15, 2016

The American Narcissist, PART 1

Please see the article about Identifying an Evil and Wicked Heart after reading this post. 
Some links on this page for Gaslighting no longer work.  Please visit this page for additional information and links for Gaslighting.


Ahhh...Narcissist, the vain male of Grecian stories who ignored Echo and loved himself so much that he stared at himself in a river and eventually fell in and drowned.

Self-love...the Bible advocates for it, Psychologists encourage a mature and balanced level of it, but how does it really operate in the American culture?

Over the years, I have encountered both types of Narcissists: grandiose and vulnerable...the website explains them as engulfing and ignoring narcissists:

  1. Engulfing Narcissists — these are parents who see their children as extensions of themselves. In other words, engulfing narcissistic parents become obsessively involved in your life to an extreme extent. They don’t respect your boundaries or acknowledge you as a separate person. 
  2. Ignoring Narcissists — these are parents who have very little interest in their children. Ignoring narcissists clearly see the boundary between themselves and their children. As a result, they neglect to take care of their children or show an active interest in their lives. 
But no matter how you classify them, there is one who is too stupid to know that they are not that great (grandiose or engulfing) while the other one is so crushed and confused by those who influenced them the most (vulnerable or ignoring) that they bounce back and forth between thinking they are the greatest to thinking that they are nothing...and so when push comes to shove, the vulnerable (or ignoring) narcissist reacts in an explosion of "No!  I'm great!  Why don't you see I'm great?!?"

Continue Reading HERE...

Saturday, September 10, 2016

September 11th -- 15 year anniversary

Spend time to remember September 11th...not the war afterwards, not the external conspiracies that erupted and linger to this day...but remember those who were effected by this tragic event in American history.

No matter why it happened, who made it happen, or what has been done in retaliation after it happened...just remember the LIVES, the EMOTION, the IMPACT it had on America. 

We spend time remembering the blessing of our American military and their continual willingness to go where the Commander in Chief arranges with Congress for them to go on numerous holidays throughout the year.  AT THIS MOMENT, in preparation for tomorrow's 15th anniversary, please spend time to remember the LIVES that were so dramatically effected on September 11, 2001:


15 Septembers Later--click this link


Thursday, September 8, 2016

God Works in Mysterious Ways

A few years ago my family was entrenched in spiritual conflict by fellow-Christians.  When we sought help from our church, the church erupted in a satanic swirl of corruption, elitism, and gossip.  Within a month of seeking mediation in the church, the spiritual warfare oozed into the lives and minds of those in charge, resulting in spiritual abuse of my family on many levels.

Needless to say, we left that church, and it put a strain on our relationship with the unity of the Church of Christians in our lives.  God grew my family during this turbulent time, and it was actually a blessing that those closest to us turned their backs on us, for it led us to a closer reliance and walk with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. 

If you have never encountered spiritual abuse in a church, then God has sincerely blessed you.  It is more damaging than abuse in a family, more deeply piercing than a divorce, and more fracturing to one’s soul than you will ever know.  We survived, and yet, still, every day there is a memory of this life-lesson that comes up in our interactions with our children in our homeschooling classroom, as we raise them on the Word of God, digging deep into the lessons of the Bible. 

Being the youngest of my original, nuclear, human-family, I had the benefit of learning from my sisters’ trials, successes, and worldly- (as well as spiritual-) challenges.  I learned that there is nothing more beneficial than taking lessons that others have gone through and entrenching them into your own life as a valuable lesson for your own life.  After all, why would you want to ignore things that made them successful or worse yet, things that scarred or traumatized them?  I know that I do not like being hurt, and learning from others hurts, especially those closest to us, can greatly enrich your life.

This is why we use our time of spiritual abuse as a life-lesson for our girls in our homeschool.  If we do not teach them how to avoid such abuse, we would be hiding our knowledge under a bush, failing to let the light shine from the knowledge gained.  We recount the issues, point directly to the Bible, and guide them on how to survive such challenges of their own.

God had a plan; I know this.  God had more for us, better for us, and every day we can see and feel these blessings.  We have been freed from the superficiality of the church we once called our ‘home,’ our ‘family’.  This is not to say that we have abandoned the Church in its universalness, the Church that unites Christians as believers of Jesus Christ as our savior and example, but it is a daily process.  It is a daily healing.  The wounds were deep, and since they involved our children, the emotions were engulfed in that all-entrenching, often over-whelming “mama bear,” and “daddy lion” surge of emotional adrenalin.  You simply do not mess with people’s children.  The reaction is one from the gut.  It is one that surges through you to dig deep within yourself to do all that you can to protect your children.  This is what lingers…the astonishment of a church willing to hurt children to protect themselves from the world seeing them exposed.

But, I digress…as I usually do on my postings here.  My point for this post was to reflect on the information that came through email today.  Part of that church is being shut down.  The ministry we were involved in will not continue this year, and I have to say…this is God’s hand.  Whether the ministry revives or not is God’s plan as well.  While I value the ministry, and I know it serves God’ people, the trials it goes through at that church will hopefully grow those involved.  My gut reaction to the information that the ministry would not continue was one of pleasure.  “Good,” I thought!  However, I know that this is not about them, me, or even my family.  This is about Christians being Christians, acting like Christians, and serving others in a Christian way to the Glory of God.  If the ministry revives, I pray for those involved.  I pray they will turn toward God for guidance, for strength, and for wisdom.   What a Friend We have in Jesus

May God bless all the ministries of churches across America, where Christianity seems to falter the most, often, resulting in a cult-like following of the leaders of a given church, not to the Glory of God, but only to glorify themselves.  Be strong Christian friends.  Know that one day you will come to the end of your earthly life, and you will feel all the love that God was trying to surround you with as you walked through this fallen world.

To leave you today, I hope you will turn to God as you reflect on this song that can lead you to your heart’s desire: God.  As the Deer

Songs cleaned through ViewPure:
As the Deer:
Because He Lives:
It is Well with My Soul:
What a Friend We Have in Jesus:
Blessed Assurance: 

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