Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Friday, December 30, 2022

Term Limits for Congress?

I don't know about you, but I am so saddened by the corruption in American government.  Political positions were seen as something someone would do to help their country.  They were seen as something that conscientious civilians would do to aid in the function of the young, seedling government...for a limited amount of time.  Then, they would go back to whatever their original lives and careers held for them.  That was the intention.

Click the Read More link below.

The JAB Doesn't Work! Australian Parliament Member Rant

I do not own this article.  To help educate yourself on the worldly news in a balanced way, join the Epoch Times. For balanced reporting, be sure to purchase your own membership of the Epoch Times!

Tallying COVID Deaths

Australian Statistics and Observations

Below is an article that was posted to the Epoch Times about the logical analysis and breakdown of lies and misinformation surrounding the COVID injection and the reporting of the illness and deaths surrounding it.  

We used to see on kids cartoons jokes about bad guys trying to take over the world.  My favorite show as a kid was in the Animaniac's series the shorts about Pinky and The Brain.  The running joke was about Pinky and The Brian saying, 

"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?" 

"The same thing we do every night, Pinky; try to take over the world!!!" 

However, in Pinky and The Brain, they were always foiled!  They always had some happenstance that stopped their dreams of world domination from coming to fruition. Anyone with half-a-brain should be able to see that hose plans (for world domination) seem to still be going on behind the scenes in America and other countries.  For a while, they seem to be taking over the world, altering peoples' views, lives, and freedoms, but then the tide turns, and the plan is exposed...right?  It is exposed! Yea!  And everyone wisens up!  And everyone speaks the truth!  And everyone punishes those who are trying to take away freedoms and lives?  Nope.  Even though there are people trying to use logic and expose the evil, the trusted media outlets are not selling it.  They want to sell the misinformation.  Afterall, they are financially supported by those like Pinky and the Brain.  If more people would read, learn, and think for themselves, we might be able to just return some sanity to the world.  

Take a look below at the article from Epoch Times about the Australian parliament leader pointing to clear statistics that prove the COVID shot does not work to save lives.  COVID is a real illness.  People do die from COVID when they already have weakened systems or struggle with preexisting conditions--just like with the FLU!  Therefore, I'm not saying COVID is not real.  I am saying that this belief in the COVID shot is unfounded.  It was a scam.  It not only did not protect people from contracting the illness, but it actually added to the death toll.  It would have been safer for ill to take Ivermectin instead of the COVID injection.

First, Covid vaccines do not stop the transmission of the virus, rather only serve to mitigate its severity in vaccinated individuals (Source 10 below). In fact, the opening of society based upon higher levels of vaccination, only served to speed the transmission of the Delta variant, not slow it. Second, the Delta variant still infected those with natural prior immunity from previous Covid B.1 and B.1.1.7 infection. (Source)

On top of this lack of a real vaccination or safety precaution is the question of possible aftereffects from the mRNA injection. Maybe one day--50 years from now--people will have learned.  In the meantime, I urge you to stop taking the shot and boosters.  

Thursday, December 29, 2022

N-95 Masks - FACT CHECK

Yep!  I'm in a family that still wears masks when in large, over-populated areas indoors.  People look at us and judge us with a squint of their eyes, a shake of their heads, or a deep frown.  

What do you care if I wear a mask?  Does it alter your state of being?  Or does it actually frighten you?  Does it make you question your own choices?  

As I have written previously, I come from a military family.  My family was assigned to and/or visited over 10 military bases in my life.  In these times, I have always respected the Asians that I saw on military bases over the years, walking around, working, and shopping with their masks on during flu season or when they were feeling under the weather.  However, growing up, on those military bases, I was just a kid, and I did not know where to get the masks.  You see, my family did not do the mask thing growing up.  I found it intriguing and insightful, though.

With COVID, I now have a surplus of masks and insertable filters.  I see no reason to stop wearing them in tight places, especially during flu season.  There have been people who have come up to me and aggressively let me know their opinion that masks don't work.  I simply respond..."tell that to hundreds of thousands of doctors across the world who have been wearing them for hundreds of years".  To learn more about who is right about mask-wearing, see the three links below.  You can also read the FACT CHECK article posted below.

  1. USA Today HERE 2020
  2. PolitiCheck HERE 2020
  3. News Network (Mayo Clinic) HERE 2020

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Health Fitness Expert Who Said Use Him as Vaxx Role Model is Now Dead

Vaccinated Doug Brignole: “If I Die, You Were Right” — Now Dead 💉

I am very sad for the people who took the injection for the COVID illness and have experienced death or adverse reactions to it.  While some people went to the extremes to make this a US or THEM type of situation, it should never have become that.  It should have is an option for those of you wishing to take it.  However, if you do not feel the injection is researched enough (not vetted for 10 years) or that you want to try other means of avoidance for contracting the illness (mask wearing or additional hand washing and social distancing) or lessing its impact on your system (heathy eating and vitamins B, C, and D), then that should have been accepted.  However, those who did not join in the goose-stepping were ostracized and discriminated against. 

When it comes to personal health choices that ONLY affect you, I believe every person has a right to make the best decision for himself.  For example, when someone wants to get an abortion, this 'medical proceedure' choice affects the baby and the male who impregnated the woman.  Therefore, that is not what I am talking about.  That situation is one where you cannot simply make a choice for an abortion since it will affect others' lives and/or rights.  However, when it comes to the COVID shot, I feel that that was a personal decision that each person should have made for themselves.  

This said, Doug Brignole made a big public statement about getting the shot (see the link below), and he sadly set himself up as a poster-boy against the COVID injection--with his death.  While I believe the COVID injection is harmful to the human body in both the short and long term, I do not want anyone to have to pay with their lives--especially since the governement perpetuated fear and paranoia in the public about the illness that was equivillant to a flu.  Those who are affected by flus should have been on alter, but beyond that, this was extreme lockdown for little results.  Shame on the governments of the world and the pharmacudical companies that created such unease and confusion just for a social experiment in how far they could push the envelope.  I pray that my beliefs about the shot will not play out as suspected in the next 5-10 years.  I pray that the accelerated deaths due to the injections will come to an end.  However, this does not seem scientifically possible at this point.  Only through an intervention from God will the mydocarditis, brain swelling, protein strings, excessive blood clots, as well as reproductive issues be removed.  

Go to this page to read the full report about Doug.  You can also see the youtube overview through the video below. The guy in the video below is not professional, but he does cover the ideas surrounding the topic.

A non-COVID 'vaccine' user.

I'm not an anti-vaccine person--in general. However, I am picky about the scientifically constructed items I put into my body. Furthermore, I am naturally suspicious and highly oppositional to illogical thinking and unconstitutional mandates. ReidMorstuf, a respondent to Doug Brindole's death report wrote:
Against a mandated experimental gene therapy that unleashes spike protein generation on a cellular level distributed in areas of the body discordant from where the covid virus typically infects, as designed = “anti-vaxer”.

This was mostly spot-on.  I would put it this way for me:
Against a mandated experimental gene therapy that unleashes spike protein generation on a cellular level distributed in areas of the body discordant from where the covid virus typically infects, as designed = a non-COVID 'vaccine' user.

The FDA’s website states that if a viable treatment exists for an illness during a health emergency, neither medications nor vaccines may be approved using an emergency use authorization.

While there isn’t concrete proof for their position, some doctors and nurses interviewed by The Epoch Times theorized that the FDA’s pushback against the vaccines was motivated by the need to secure an emergency use authorization for the COVID-19 vaccines.

“They had an agenda. And the agenda was to push this new form of vaccine, this mRNA vaccine, because it was going to make the industry billions of dollars. And in order for them to promote this because they didn’t have the time to do randomized control trials for efficacy and safety, they had to use Emergency Use Authorization [EAU],” Saleeby said.

“It completely destroys the vaccine position,” Dark concurred. “One thing that’s written very clearly is that you cannot have a known acceptable form of treatment out there available to the public and still be operating under emergency use.”

“If there was a possible treatment for COVID-19, the vaccine would not be able to obtain emergency authorization use,” Wright said. “If there’s any possible treatment, then the vaccines would have to go through rigorous testing.”

The Dilemma of the Unvaccinated - Mob Mentality REFLECTION and REBUTTAL


Dr. Malone wrote the article below...a personal perspective about the changing tide in reflection and views on those with 'the shot' and those without.  It is very insightful and important to open this conversation; however, there are two points that I have to disagree with him on

  1. if 'they' were simply tricked or led astray, and 
  2. as to how we should respond to the assault.

To begin, it seems fallacious to even call people vaccinated and unvaccinated.  After all, the 'shot' for the last two years is not a real vaccination.  A vaccination adheres to specific criteria and guidelines.  It has a specific organizational pattern, and it contains a small live or dead dose of the culprit illness. The Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Maderna injections did not fit the definition of a vaccine--hench the redefining of the term 'vaccine' across the WWW and in medical circles.  It would have been safer for the ill to take Ivermectin instead of the COVID injection.

To address the points in Malone's article with clarity, though, I will adhere to the vaccinated and unvaccinated talking points.

Is COVID Sparing Unjabbed???

More about the fear-mongering of the world. See the article below--originally from Epoch Times--to grasp the continued narrative of fear, the illogical conclusions from the health of Africa, and the success of the unvaccinated.

I do not own this article.  To help educate yourself on the worldly news in a balanced way, join the Epoch Times. For balanced reporting, be sure to purchase your own membership of the Epoch Times!

Scientists Struggle to Explain Why COVID Spared Unjabbed

The media has done its best to whip people into a frenzy over the possibility of COVID, flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) colliding this winter in a ‘tripledemic.’ Yet, anyone with an ounce of understanding of how viruses work knows that warped narrative is just about scientifically impossible.


  • “Vaccine equity” remains high on the global cabal’s list of priorities, even though real-world evidence shows the COVID shots have done more harm than good
  • Africa, where fewer than 6% of people have received the COVID jab, have maintained an extremely low COVID-19 death rate throughout the last three years, likely because they didn’t have equal access to experimental COVID injections
  • While wholly ignoring the African experience, U.S. media are now trying to scare people into taking additional shots for fall by warning of an incoming “tripledemic” of COVID, flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
  • The tripledemic narrative is scientifically implausible. Respiratory viruses tend to interfere with each other’s spread, such that one typically ends up dominating
  • Pfizer’s and Moderna’s pediatric trials both found RSV infection was more prevalent among children who got their COVID jabs than those who didn’t

Media Gaslighting

Have you noticed that despite increased deaths in those vaccinated compared to those unvaccinated, the media keeps pushing the government propaganda that the jab will save lives?

It seems like the more the vaccines don’t work to stop this pandemic, the more our overlords double down on nonsense. Thankfully, the prevalence of Omicron is exposing their absurdity for the world to see, if people would only look.
“But but but … it would have been worse,” people smugly retort [if the public had not been vaccinated]. To that, I would simply point to South Africa, where Omicron is on its last legs despite a poor healthcare system, much of its population living in poverty, and a vaccination rate that would have Joe Biden really losing his patience.
Read on in the article below to learn more about how in Africa...where they could not get access to the "vaccination" yet had an abundance of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, they have had the lowest number of overall deaths compared to the 1st world countries that pushed the death jab on the public.


Has there been an over-reporting of Covid deaths???


Ask yourself...have the COVID deaths been accurately reported?

It is not the same to have COVID in your system when you die as to have DIED from COVID.  See this Epoch Times article HERE or visit the original publication at the link below.

Originally published on Spiked-Online, republished from the Brownstone Institute Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Vitamin D - Keep it UP!

Many people think that milk is for babies.  An influential woman in my life once told me I could not drink milk at her house.  It was for baking and cooking...not for drinking.  Yet milk--especially Whole Milk (4%)--is packed with Vitamin D.  Vitamin D is absorbed easiest in fat, and so those eating a high-fat diet may retain higher amounts of D in their systems. Vitamins D, C, and B have been proven to help aid the immune system to prevent infection, as an antioxidant, and to increase the strength of cells to repair themselves.

Did you increase your Vitamin B, C, and D during the pandemic?  Did it stave off infection for you?

See part of an article about Dr. Malone and Vitamin D from the Epoch Times below.  For the full article, click HERE.  For a list of Vitamin D-rich foods, go HERE.

The Dilemma of the Unvaccinated - Family Get Togethers

Christmas 2022

It has been 3 years since the news of an outbreak of a wayward virus in Wuhan, China was first discussed in our household.  Luckily, my husband is a voracious reader of world news, and so he had been reading about the situation long before the American TV stations began their frenzy. Therefore, by December 2019, my immediate family was aware of the outbreak and the possibility of worldwide spread.  We began researching effects and possible precautions so that we could be ready for its arrival in America.  

The Dilemma of the Unvaccinated - Mob Mentality

Some “pro-vaxers” may have been legitimately uninformed or scared to blindly follow health guidelines and government mandates without question. But the mob mentality to demonize the unvaccinated and gaslight society into thinking we were the problem crossed a potentially unforgivable line.

                                                                                               -- Dr. Malone

I do not own this article.  To help educate yourself on the worldly news in a balanced way, join the Epoch Times. For balanced reporting, be sure to purchase your own membership of the Epoch Times!

The Dilemma of the Unvaccinated

We Won't Forget. They celebrated our deaths and danced on our graves

With recent calls for “Pandemic Amnesty” from the groups who destroyed lives and businesses, closed schools, stripped away your freedoms and turned family, friends and neighbors against each other, the unvaccinated and truth tellers find themselves in a pickle.

Morality and civility could argue that we should forgive those who vilified us for choosing medical sovereignty, non-compliance with unconstitutional mandates, and simply questioning the narrative, but it’s not that simple. Some “pro-vaxers” may have been legitimately uniformed or scared to blindly follow health guidelines and government mandates without question. But the mob mentality to demonize the unvaccinated and gaslight society into thinking we were the problem crossed a potentially unforgivable line.

Making the rounds online is an LA Times article from earlier this year titled Mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths is ghoulish, yes — but may be necessary. The article URL is even titled “why-shouldnt-we-dance-on-the-graves-of-anti-vaxxers.”

After Effects of COVID-19 (Blood)

Visit this link to watch a mortician's findings about body drainage and blood clotting after COVID-19 shots. For a full article (from the Epoch Times) about how unvaccinated blood is starting to become in high demand, click below.

For a full article about how unvaccinated blood is starting to become in high demand, click below.

Monday, November 14, 2022

The Carnival, The Lady, and The Lumpia! - Part 1

I know, I know.  It has been FOR-EV-ER since I posted to my blog.  Needless to say, the high school years of homeschooling and coordinating dual enrollment classes and assignments with/for my children (young adults now) have been a lot.  It has left little time for personal enrichment and hobbies! We're holding on, though!  It's SENIOR year!

This weekend, with the Veteran's Day holiday, we planned to go to the November carnival at the local Catholic church/school down the road.  The weather was lovely--despite the recent tropical storm-turned-hurricane recently (Nicole). Anyway, we made plans to actually leave the house! Can you believe it??  

Once there, we did the rounds...what rides looked safe and fun?  What food was interesting?  How many tickets would we need for the evening? We needed 20 tickets for the girls' rides. No problem.  There was a special: 18 tickets for $20. Save $2.50.  Cool.  Simple! OK hubby, please order the 18-pack plus 2 extra tickets to get the "special" plus the 2 extra we needed.  Simple, right? Nope.  Not simple at all. I think the ticket seller was overtired or in need of a calculator.  He simply could not understand what we were trying to do.  No problem.  There was a Volunteer Worker nearby, and she intervened.  All set!  20 tickets for rides, let's go!

By the time the sun was down (6pm), the people started flocking to the carnival, and the lines were exceptionally long all of the sudden.  We stood in line for the Ferris Wheel.  With COVID social distancing ingrained in everyone, people were finally back to the 80's bubble of 3-5 feet.  Ahhh.  The 80s. A time when people kept their distance and didn't talk directly into your face. Anyway, with everyone nicely spread out, the line went on for over 100 feet, crossing over a go-cart drive area and a walking path for pedestrians.  Jumbled, weaving people filtered through the groups here and there.  The bright lights from the Ferris Wheel were friendly and inviting in the dark sky, but the strobe from the actual sign was starting to get to me.  Yikes!  Who was in charge of that seizure-creating light display!

This wasn't the first 'safety' issue we'd noticed at the carnival.  Earlier, while looking at all of the rides, there was a family pushing a wheel-chaired loved one, and there were so many cords and lines crisscrossing the walking paths that the wheelchair was bouncing across clumps of wires in 3-foot sections.  There was one time when Hubby had to stop and help them navigate across the pile of cords by assisting with the lifting of the wheelchair.  I realize the world does not revolve around the handicapped, but come on.  There are some basic issues people have today, and when you are trying to create a family-friendly environment, you have to know your audience.  No strobe lights using LEDs.  They can cause seizures in adults, and they turn autistic kids into zombies. No exposed electrical wires and cords on the ground where people are walking, wheeling, or caning their way through the carnival.  Put mats or cord covers over those things!  That's dangerous. this.  Mats!

Well, I digress!  Back to the Ferris Wheel ride.  We adults (Hubby and me) stepped out of line to let the kids get ready for their assigned pod on the Wheel.  As they got in, sat down, and got locked in, Hub and I stood there assessing the crowd.  Everyone seemed pretty calm.  There was an employee vehicle parked nearby, and it had an 8x12-inch sticker on the back window: Mother of A$$holes.  Really? That prompted conversations about the mother...a mother would never call her kids that, what did that mean about them, what was 'the American family' coming to, what constituted a joke and what didn't, and so on.  Anyway, the lights were starting to make my mind short-circuit, so we moved to the other side of the Wheel to wait for the girls to get off the ride. 

When there, Hub needed to sit down, so he decided to wait on a nearby bleacher system.  I stood by the Wheel, watching an energized 5-year-old run circles around a drainage grate in the grass.  He would run two full circles around the grate.  Stop.  Sway a little.  Look around.  Lock eyes on his parents standing near the exit sign of the Wheel, and then start a new running cycle.  Eventually, he gave up on his independent game of tag and rejoined his parents as they waited for his sister and a friend to get off the Wheel.  My girls were on the next pod, and so we joined Daddy on the bleachers.  

The next hour consisted of people-watching and riding more rides.  

Finally, it was time to make decisions about the possible food options. THEY HAD LUMPIA! Yes!  They had LUMPIA!

Oh....I bet you are wondering about The Lady.  Don't worry.  I'll get to her.  She comes in at the end of the night. This isn't even really the real part about lumpia in my story.  That will come after The Lady.  Just stick with me.  


Since it was a Catholic church hosting the carnival, there was a large food section sponsored by members of the church.  They had hot dogs, pretzels, beer, wine, and lumpia stands!  

The lumpia caught my attention, and neither Hubby nor the girls had ever had I told them my story of lumpia.

My family was stationed in Italy during the 80s, and so we had to raise funds a little differently than regular American students living in the United States.  When our youth group wanted to visit Berlin--before the wall was down--and go to Switzerland for a Revival, it was a 'lumpia sale' that helped to raise the funds. When our high school band wanted to get to the Naval Air Station Sigonella--an Italian Air Force base and a U.S. Navy installation at Italian Air Force Base Sigonella in Sicily, Italy--for a band competition, it was a 'lumpia sale' that helped make it possible.  Lumpia was a favorite item to sell to raise funds.  The Filipino population was abundant on base, and those women were quite skilled at making, storing, and selling lumpia!  Whenever it was time for fundraising, we were all quite happy to contribute to the cause by purchasing a plate or two of lumpia and dipping sauce. Unlike egg rolls, which often tear up the roof of my mouth, lumpia is smooth, crisp, and flakey.  Ahh!  

So when I saw that lumpia stand at the Catholic church carnival, I knew I had to have some.  And yet...we are very choosey about eating at food stands and roach coaches.  So, we decided to forgo the lumpia with the understanding that there would be a food delivery by 3pm the next day filled with pork, wraps, veggies, and garlic so that we could make our own lumpia at home.  (Gotta love Walmart+!)

As the girls went off to ride another spinning contraption, I sat down, logged into Walmart+, and arranged for the delivery. 

Click HERE to read more from The Carnival, The Lady, and The Lumpia! Part 2

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