It has been another long, but rewarding, day leading my children. The morning began with discussions of God, pets we hope to see again in Heaven, cinnamon sprinkled oatmeal, followed by hours of homeschool lesson modifications online as the children faithfully worked through their assignments for the day.
Where does the time go? There never seems to be enough time to do everything. When I write "everything," I don't mean our homeschool assignments. I mean everything else: laundry, dishes, food preparation, home repairs, group activities, and so on. It has seemed lately that even though we spend quality time together, it is not always relaxing with my thoughts on the next chore I have to complete.
While reflecting on this today (after playing a grammar game of DISORDER with my family before dinner), I had to remind myself that many of the 'other' things on my mind are really not as important as quality time with my family: my happy family (Figure 1). After all, that is why we LEAD our children. Priorities, right? My priorities are not dishes and laundry...they are God, family, and education. Therefore, I guess I do have enough time to do everything...that is, everything of true importance...since my top three priorities are being accomplished.
"Enjoy your children for they will be grown one day, and there will plenty of time (maybe too much time) for the other things of life." --J.D.
Links to other writings about homeschooling and a messy house:
What Normal Looks Like
The Messy Truth About Homeschooling
Homeschooling and a Messy House
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