Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Monday, May 21, 2018


Gaslighting is a psychological manipulation of one person to the benefit of another by distorting reality, memory, and one's connection to the 'truth'.

If you have been in a relationship that involved abuse, consider reading and/or watching the source materials below to better understand this intense and deceptive form of abuse that often anchors other labeled abuses: sexual, emotional, and physical abuse.


Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. Gas Lighting relationship stories have surfaced all over the internet. Individuals are sharing their stories of gaslighting abuse in hopes in help others overcome the struggles of this mental abuse, but what does it mean to “Gaslight” someone? The term is fairly new but this behavior is not. The term “Gaslight” means to manipulate a person into questioning their own sanity. Though the word is often used to describe romantic relationships, it can describe professional relationships as well. It is also used to describe a certain personality typed held by an individual, usually manipulative.

10 Gaslighting Signs in an Abusive Relationship

Informative Videos
[focusing on Narcissism and Gaslighting]

Friday, May 11, 2018

Learning About Character Traits

Things to read in the future...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle." 
- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”

Ask the questions and see where they take you.

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