Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Monday, January 9, 2023

118th Speaker Hold-up...the first list of items...

According to U.S. Rep. Andrew Ogles (R-Tenn) through the Epoch Times, this is what the 15-vote hold-out issue was for with the 118th Congress' Speaker election:

For Ogles, the basis of all the negotiations was to establish the rules of the game in Congress that had been altered over the years beyond recognition. As he pointed out, the rules of a game almost always determine the winner.

He shared with me a list of some of what has been roughly negotiated to date. The devil, as always, is in the details.

  1. As has been reported, it will only take a single congressperson, acting in what is known as a Jeffersonian Motion, to move to remove the speaker if he or she goes back on their word or policy agenda.
  2. A “Church”-style committee will be convened to look into the weaponization of the FBI and other government organizations (presumably the CIA, the subject of the original Church Committee) against the American people.
  3. Term limits will be put up for a vote.
  4. Bills presented to Congress will be single subject, not omnibus with all the attendant earmarks, and there will be a 72-hour minimum period to read them.
  5. The Texas Border Plan will be put before Congress. From The Hill: “The four-pronged plan aims to ‘Complete Physical Border Infrastructure,’ ‘Fix Border Enforcement Policies,’ ‘Enforce our Laws in the Interior’ and ‘Target Cartels & Criminal Organizations.’”
  6. COVID mandates will be ended, as will all funding for them, including so-called emergency funding.
  7. Budget bills would stop the endless increases in the debt ceiling and hold the Senate accountable for the same.

We'll see later today if these rules are actualy implemented into the proceedures or not.  If ont, the House can bring activity to a halt until the agreed upon changes are put into place.  Let's see history in the making folks.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Recommended Option: Push Health??

I have not used this service, but it was just recommended to me as a possible online medical option.  Take a look for yourself.  Maybe it will benefit some of you:

Doctors Prohibited from Ivermectin Use with COVID

Here is a follow up to my previous discussion about Ivermectin and doctors being discouraged (threatened) from using it to treat COVID symptoms. This is sadly one more mark to show that things were going highly wrong with the COVID 'pandemic'.

This copy of the original article can be found on Epoch Times HERE.  I do not own this article.  Please subscribe to Epoch Times for full details.

Article by Katie Spence

Health Care Workers Cry Foul on FDA Claiming It Didn’t Prohibit Ivermectin for COVID-19

By Katie Spence
January 3, 2023 Updated: January 4, 2023

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