Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Thursday, June 6, 2019

God’s plan for women and men is different and good...

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Want to learn more? Read the article to see the encompassing Scriptures as a whole and to see that "we can see God’s plan for women and men is different and good. When women decide to leave their God-ordained ministry in their homes and pursue careers instead, they are actually taking the man’s curse upon themselves. Yes, there are exceptions but these don’t negate what God’s perfect will is for us. As believers in Jesus Christ, we do our best to obey Him and leave the results with Him!"

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, 
that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 
Romans 12:2

8 Months of Romans

Reposting to encourage the reading and study of ROMANS: 8 Months of Romans; the content below comes from Doctrine and Devotion.

Prayers to START and END the Day

A prayer book called The Primer was first published on May 29, 1545 and authorized by King Henry VIII. It contains psalms, prayers, and “offices,” or special “matin” (morning) and “evensong” (evening) prayers. Here are a couple of excerpts from that collection:

A PRAYER AT YOUR UPRISING: O Lord, Jesus Christ, who is the very bright sun of the world, ever rising, never falling, who, with your wholesome look, engenders, preserves, nourishes, and makes joyful all things that are in heaven and earth; shine favorably, I beseech You, on my spirit so that the night of sins and mists of errors might be driven away by Your inward light….Amen.

A PRAYER BEFORE YOU GO TO BED: … I beseech You in Your bountiful goodness, O Lord, to forgive me in whatever ways I have offended You this day and to receive me under Your protection this night, so that I may rest in quietness both of body and soul. Grant my eyes sleep, but let my heart watch perpetually for You….to whom be honor, praise, and glory forever. Amen.

Protecting Minority Religions in the US

On the 6th day of June in 1768, a trial was held in Fredericksburg, Virginia, at which a man, John Waller, along with several other Baptists, stood accused of preaching in public. Since the Anglican church was the official state religion in many American colonies before the Revolution, other denominations were often legally prohibited from preaching in public. This is why the framers of the Bill of Rights later included the “separation of church and state” clause: to protect minority religions.

If you are interested in learning more about this topic and need some enlightening summer reading, check out Baptist historian, David Benedict’s (1813) General History of the Baptist Denomination in America.

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