Classical Education...

“Because the classical educator believes in a real world that gives up ordered knowledge of itself, he teaches the student how to get that knowledge. The seven liberal arts were quite deliberately developed for precisely that reason. Believing that we can know truth, and believing that truth sets us free, classical educators spent thousands of years refining the tools of truth-seeking that were used from the beginning of time, but were first codified by Aristotle."

- Andrew Kern, in "What is the Difference Between Classical and Conventional Education”


Friday, November 11, 2016

Indivisible--Don't forget That Important Word

"IT'S TRUMP"...that is what the front cover of the newspaper declared in bold, block letters on Wednesday morning, November 9th, 2016. When a race is this debated, it is always a perk to go out and purchase a memento of the election, making sure to have a brief record of an event that will be brought up for elections to come.

"IT'S TRUMP" was not the only cover option that Wednesday morning, though. If you wanted an article focused on Trump, you purchased that newspaper; however, if you were focused on H. Clinton's side of the election, you could choose, "She's Out."

Despite the recent rioting in the streets (which is illegal) as well as the sense of loss by women that a female did not win the Presidency (which is inconsequential on the greater scheme of things), life as we know it will go on.  Obama was considered an extremist, and even with his 'change,' America still stands, grocery stores still have food, people still go on vacation, and freeways are still crowded daily with workers commuting.  The focus after the declaration of Trump as the future President should have been that the public voted, a decision was asserted for the leadership most desired, there will be change to come, and American women should pursue personal hights instead of living vicariously through H. Clinton.

TJ Brown expresses his thoughts on the female scorn of H. Clinton's loss below.


Dear Women: A Hillary Clinton Loss Does Nothing To Harm Your Personal Ambitions

The public reaction to Trump’s victory has been an unrelenting frenzy. Two sides forecast something that's either Utopia and Armageddon. Maybe it could be somewhere in between?

And something else is on people’s minds as well, particularly among the left: what does this mean for women?

What does Hillary's defeat mean for women? Nothing.Throughout her campaign, Hillary Clinton has been no stranger to using the appeal of her gender to garner support. To many women, this was a major reason to support her. The narrative has been of aspirational transferation by the shattering of the glass ceiling. Women and girls everywhere were supposed to finally find personal inspiration by electing the first woman president of the United States via identity politics.

And now that that opportunity has passed, many of these women and girls are heartbroken and dispirited. All I can say to these people is: don’t let the failure of one woman influence your perception of what can and can’t be achieved by women.

From someone who was fed the same line from the left when we elected the first black president, I can confidently say that you’re not missing much. Sure, there was a temporary “wow” factor that came with electing the first black president. Being a black man myself, I was bombarded with reasons as to why this means black people can do anything they set their mind to.

But later I realized that having a black president doesn’t mean I’m any more or less likely to achieve success. The same should be true for women.

Your Own Success
The validity of one’s hopes and dreams shouldn’t be measured by other people's record of achieving them. I didn’t realize my potential through collectivist association. I don’t believe in what I can achieve based on someone else's merits. Especially for reasons as trivial as skin color. And women shouldn’t find themselves feeling any more or less ambitious because of the failure of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

The glass ceiling isn’t broken by putting one woman in office, or one black person on the CEO board. It’s broken by individuals, millions of them, pursuing their own path towards happiness. Don’t allow feminists or left-wing pundits to feed you lies about how a loss for Hillary is a loss for women. It’s not. Quite the opposite, in fact.

The loss of any authoritarian ruler, woman or man, is a win for the possibility of individual achievement. The four-year continuation of economic and social micromanagement, cultural division, war, corruption, and lies was inevitable with either Trump or Clinton. Neither have any interest in what truly contributes to what breaks glass ceilings: being independent and freed.

Progress and Ballots
The greatest accomplishments of women in history weren’t realized at the ballot box. They were realized in the market, through human action and individualism. So tell your wife, sister, mother or daughter that Hillary’s loss is a loss for Hillary alone.

The greatest accomplishments of women in history weren't realized at the ballot box.The evolution of civilization – including the whole of humanity – will continue long after Hillary’s political career. And by then, billions of women around the globe will have played a far more monumental role in innovating and directing the course of history. 99 percent of them will do so through voluntary means, via the volition of their own personal freedom and pursuit of happiness.

You can either be a part of that 99 percent who change the world, or you can sit on the sidelines waiting for one person to do it for you so you can feel good about their success while neglecting your own. I personally hope you choose the former, because the beauty and imagination that clouds your mind right now, will prove to influence more lives in the long term than any politician could dream of. Don’t rely on Hillary Clinton to legitimize your dreams. Don’t allow Donald Trump to negate your humanity or your character.

Elitist Figureheads
Take the first step in being the change you want to see in the world rather than just voting for it. And the best part is, you don’t have to become president to accomplish this. Capitalism yields opportunity for all people's creativity and visionary passions.

The only thing holding you back from this accomplishment of self-determination is your willingness to go for it. So drop the political admiration and aggrandizement of elitist figureheads. Exploit liberty to its fullest potential; that’s how you smash the patriarchy.
TJ BrownTJ Brown
Taleed J. Brown is a content intern at FEE and hosts the popular YouTube channel "That Guy T".
This article was originally published on Read the original article.


As a woman, I understand that it is nice to see 'one of our own' succeed in higher places in our government and world; however, my success, achievements, and future are not based on whether 'one of my own' ultimately achieves a position. My opportunities, as well as my children's, are based on personal drive, intellect, and pursuits. While I can understand why some people--who voted for H. Clinton--are dubious of how Trump will do in office, is he really any less prepared than Obama was when he sky-rocketed onto the scene and swept up the election in 2008?

Since Trump was declared the future president-elect, there have been groups arising and rioting...not protesting, but actually rioting. As Americans, it is our right to peacefully assemble and protest occurrences in our government; however, there is no right to riot. It all seems rather childish and petty, actually.

When Obama won his first election, there were no riots, yet Republicans were just as afraid of him as Democrats are of Trump.  Perspective is what is needed.

No matter who you voted for, there is now going to be a change in power in the White House, and the Republic has spoken. Isn't that what we want? To be heard? Whether the person I supported won or not, the public was heard, and perspective and rational thought is needed to prevent the extremists from rioting and causing social disruption.

The time has come to concede the loss, appreciate the dynamic shift in political runners, and know that any ceiling 'not' broken by H. Clinton 'not' being elected does not stop the next qualified woman from throwing her bonnet in the ring and trying to provide support and guidance for the American people as a future president. 

Becoming president should not be about gender or race.  It must be about what is best for the Republic: this ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, for LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL. When it becomes about one's gender and not the benefits of having that person in the office, we have lost sight of what government office is all about. It is not about wealth, fame, and power; it is about governing to the benefit of the nation, under God, and indivisible. 

By making an election about labels and titles, we divide ourselves. We must be Americans before we are Democrats or Republicans. We must strive for unity before lashing out like children and rioting in the streets. We must ask God for strong, capable, honest, and knowledgeable leaders to step up and run for office BEFORE we get wrapped up in the symbols of donkey or elephant. 



For all. 

Focus on the liberty the upcoming president can provide. Focus on the justice to be restored for American citizens, and focus on the idea of all of us working to better ourselves, encourage our children, and provide a better country for future generations of leaders, no matter what color or gender.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Approaching Education

Image from

Recently reading articles about education in America and where it has gone awry, I came across Laura Wheldon's article "How School Crushes the Child's Natural Love of Learning," and I thought she did a very good job assessing standard, public-school-style learning in confined classrooms, filled with too many children, too much to cover, and too little mental freedom.

While she does well to remain focused on issues with current, mainstream school, she does not shy away from then suggesting--at the end--that the organic processes associated with traditional education--day-to-day lessons on life and personal interests--are those most productive.

For a republishing of the article, click HERE.

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